Shooting the shit every Sunday.

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About Us

We are a group of friends/runners/food lovers — but above all, friends — that run together every week, usually on Sunday mornings. We also show up to cheer for our fellow runners at races and hang out before, after, and outside of runs!

Our Values

The core values of our group can be determined by answering these four questions:


Fuck, marry, kill:

Bread, Rice, Noodles


Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?


Tits or ass?


Wings or drums?


Praise Her.



Our Story

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then there was Diana. Diana said, “let there be running,” and thus Godspeed Run Club was born.

Since then, our followers members have grown. We are now in two countries (U.S. and Canada) and countless NYC parks (Central, Prospect, and McCarren).


Thank You For Running With Us!
